#Tsm4 beta install#
Make sure you have all the official TSM modules installed or it won't work, the most common ones people forget to install or turn on are, AuctionDB (for pricing info), Accounting (for avgbuy values), and Crafting (if you craft anything to sell). This has beenįriendly reminder that you must reload your UI (type /reload) after every single import or the next import won't work.

Since it only uses group structure and item ID's, it will work fine for both TSM4 and TSM3 users. These are the recently updated groups (March 9 2018) that I did while updating my pastebin for TSM4 users. It only have group structure and item ID's (No operations) It is also broken down into smaller pieces so a little bit Is it still very functional and very similar to the updated TSM4 main

There are only a few small items recentlyĪdded to the game that are missing. It is a little older and will not be updated. It has group structure, item ID's, and TSM3 operations Any groups that are TSM4 are clearly defined in It has group structure, item ID's, and TSM4 operationsĪll the TSM4 groups are not done yet, currently working on them. There are many ways to do this but this is an easy solution. I've had lots of people ask me ways to account for this/prevent this from happening. This will prevent dbmarket from climbing to ridiculously high values. By replacing with "min(DBMarket, 150% DBRegionMarketAvg)", any time dbmarket climbs higher than 150% dbregionmarketavg, it will just use 150% dbregionmarketavg. I decided to replace "dbmarket" with "min(DBMarket, 150% DBRegionMarketAvg)" to control/account for those situations where dbmarket continuously inflates to outrageously high values. Max(500% Max(Crafting, AvgBuy)/0.95, 500% first(min(DBMarket, 150% DBRegionMarketAvg), DBRegionHistorical, DBGlobalMarketAvg, DBGlobalHistorical), 110% VendorSell/0.95) In the box Custom Price Source Name" type exactly this with no quotations, all lower case, "sheymax" and hit enter.

Max(200% Max(Crafting, AvgBuy)/0.95, 150% first(min(DBMarket, 150% DBRegionMarketAvg), DBRegionHistorical, DBGlobalMarketAvg, DBGlobalHistorical), 110% VendorSell/0.95) In the box Custom Price Source Name" type exactly this with no quotations, all lower case, "sheynorm" and hit enter. Max(first (105% Max(Crafting, AvgBuy)/0.95, 70% first(min(DBMarket, 150% DBRegionMarketAvg), DBRegionHistorical, DBGlobalMarketAvg, DBGlobalHistorical)), 110% VendorSell/0.95) Then in the box "Custom Price for this Source" type in exactly this" In the box Custom Price Source Name" type exactly this with no quotations, all lower case, "sheymin" and hit enter. Anyone still using TSM3 will have to make these 3 custom prices below: (Edit:This is technically not implemented yet in the TSM4 beta but it will be implemented eventually, so for now you still have to make sheymin, sheynorm and sheymax) Any custom prices referred to in the imports will just come with the imports now. TSM4 users will no longer have to make sheymin, sheynorm, sheymax when they are importing my groups. RAW Paste Data 1st Section: CUSTOM PRICES FOR PROFILE Sheymin, Sheynorm, Sheymax (REQUIRED)Ģnd Section: Custom prices for Blood of Sargeras and Primal Sargerite (Optional)